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In this website we will explore Bee-BotScratch Junior and Kodable as coding device and software programs. If you would like to explore other coding activities try:



There are two functions which we recieve from accessing digital technology. Besides making life easier for us, that is being the user, and the second is being the programmer. Digital technologies plays an important role in churning our thinking abilities. It empowers us with the knowledge and skills to engage in critical and creative thinking to solve problems.

Digital resources like emails, radio, phones and computers are using a program known as coding. A computer scientist creates programs through coding. Coding is a language used for digital components. Curran (2017) refers to it as a 'a language for describing instructions that a computer can follow to solve a problem. Unlike humans, computers cannot understand a program if the syntax is incorrect. They will complain with a ‘syntax error’. '

Devices and software apps. will use coding in order to function. Coding is like an algorithm, a sequence or set of instructions in order to complete a task. On the right hand side I have created a video to explain the process for younger children. You may also like to refer to what is coding? or the CSUnplug presents a video demonstrating how a computer network uses coding without a computer. 'ENGLISH Computer Science Unplugged - Part 2 Sorting Networks - 2005' How fast are our codes travelling?

In class: 

We started with , The Classroom Version video, which is a video from a family implementing the idea of  Algorithms.

 We have watched this video  in class.  Students comments:

  • "Why doesn't the Dad know how to make a sandwich?"  "

  • "He does, but he wants to see if they know how."

  • " I know how to do that"

  • " I think that is hard ",

  • "That looks very hard"

  • "No it's  not, it's easy"

Afterwards, the students were then asked;

What are the steps you do if i ask you to do a painting?

We came to a set of instructions required to do a painting, then we discussed this as a way that the computer language works. We call it coding.

After this activity we introduced the Bee-Bot coding cards and discussed the role of a computer scientist. We took turns at being the Robot and the Programmer.


The Value:

Teaching with Digital technologies provides cognitive and social benefits.

Students are challenged to think further; 

Vygotsky's Zone of Proximal Development and to share or work collaboratively.

Students are given opportunities to  create possibilities and be innovative.

Coding builds skills that will expose them to their future workforce or life situations.

 The curriculum will further discuss the benefits for implementing digital technologies into our curriculum and daily life experiences.

"Today's students think and process information fundamentally  differently from their predecessors",                                                                            Prensky (2001)

Digital Technologies

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