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Scratch Junior

What is Scratch Junior ?

ScratchJr is a  Visual programming language for young children, it is designed to create stories and games. Children can choose their character and scene from an enormous range or create their own. Using blocks to snap together the movements or sound that they would like their character to do.You can insert photos of yourself to be the character. ScratchJr, was redesigned from the program Scratch, this program language is designed for younger students, to make it more developmentally appropriate for younger children, carefully designing features to match young children's cognitive, personal, social, and emotional development.

ScratchJr is available as a free app for both iPad and Android tablets. For more information about ScratchJr, see

What purpose does it serve in educating our students of today?

 The Scratch Jr allows children under the age of 8 to use Coding language. It is a great literacy and numeracy  tool, whereby students form patterns, sequences to create stories by  using a program language. Children  learn to solve problems, design projects, and express themselves or ideas.

Value of  Scratch Junior:

As mentioned in Kodable and Bee-Bot skills, such as; critical thinking , problem solving, social skills, risk taking, perseverance and computational thinking are taking place. However, one think that is dominant in Scratch junior is the ability for students to express themselves through creative thinking. this represents their unique abilities and thinking styles to bring forth their thinking.

In the journal entry, called 'With the new Scratch Junior, any child can learn coding on an iPad", (Doyle, 2014), Doyle discuss the key elements that teaches students about programming using Scratch junior. this includes;

  • Sequencing: The  program blocks are required to go left to right, similar to how a real computer program works. Instructions are run sequentially, one after the other.

  • Looping: there are two ways to repeat programming blocks: the Repeat block; repeats a set of blocks or the use of a  forever block which repeats a script over and over.

  • Events: are a  trigger or a form of actions — such as the user tapping the green flag.

  • Subroutines: These are self-contained blocks of code that can be “called”, or triggered, by other blocks of code. They let the programmer break down a complex program into simpler versions. With Scratch Jr you can create lots of small scripts and join them together with triggers and messages.

  • Object-oriented programming :  attaching small computer programs to the characters on the stage. Characters are called objects and the programs are methods. '

  • Debugging: is a critical skill  to identifying bugs such as programming errors and track the causes. students will be enticed figure out why the character isn’t behaving as they want it too. "They are subconsciously picking up and practising this valuable skills" called debugging.

Student feedback:

  • Students demonstrated the ability to work together and support each other, I only showed two students in the class how to use the program and those two began to support each other and others on the use of Scratch. What it's capabilities where.

  • Students are engaged independently and with others.

  • Ideas were developing from each other

  • respect, acceptance and appreciation was evident in the use of this App and the coherence between their peers.

  • Turn taking and guiding each other to achieve their out come.

  • Students are thinking and creating.

  • Also,  self reflection and evaluating their work. Students rearranged what they had created to make it better or try new things or ways

Here are some student examples:​

Example of scratch Jnr

Example of scratch Jnr

Example of scratch Jnr
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Play Video


Play Video


Play Video


Parent Feedback 

  • The instructions require an adult to be able to read them and understand them. A parent/Educator can explain it to them or show them. otherwise students might be able to explore, however with no explanation, most students gave up on using the program.

  • Students are sharing what they have learnt in class at home, being aware and telling the parents that there are two functions for digital objects, "we either use them or we build with them." like a story we watch on scratch if we are the audience or we build it then we are the programmer.

Feed back from our Learning support staff

The program was used by several students who have been diagnosed with speech impairments and social delays. These Students  have become very excited and keen to use the program. They have demonstrated  the ability to sustain longer intervals of time to implement their ideas. Their engagement and attention span has sustained for longer periods. They are happier and confident about their achievements and in sharing them with the class.

This resource below will take you to the instruction page and their are video tutorials available too.

Pedagogy / Teaching Practices in the class room?

using the 1:1 has allowed students to independently access their device to part take in scratch junior as they please. for instance students discussed what they would wear for Halloween, during the course of the day a student accessed the device and proceeded to create a story, whereby he was the dragon and the dragon increased in size.

A resource similar to Scratch Junior is Daisy Dinosaur. This one uses the same principals, however children will need to read the words. Otherwise an adult can read it for them.


As outlined in the Teaching Practices section of this website. Blooms Taxonomy is represented as a  cognitive model. The stages of learning across the top and the colour denoted to that area matches in accordance with SAMR. Multiple Intelligence is a theory by Gardner, applying the principal that learning occurs through 8 areas of intelligence these are highlighted in Green, I am using 7 out of the 8.

These activities link to Early Years Learning Frame work (EYLF)  and Australian Curriculum (AC). I have allocated the AC links, however for the  EYLF outcomes which apply to digital technologies head to the resource page,  titled ‘EYLF OUTCOMES’ these EYLF outcomes contribute to one or more of the following:

  1.  Outcome 1: children have a strong sense of identity,

  2. Outcome 2: children are connected with and contribute to their world: using play to investigate, project and explore new ideas participate with others to solve problems and contribute to group outcomes

  3. Outcome 3: children have a strong sense of wellbeing:  Demonstrate spatial awareness and orient themselves, moving around and through their environments confidently and safely,

  4. Outcome 4: children are confident and involved learners and

  5. Outcome 5: children are effective communicators;  Children begin to understand how symbols and pattern systems work, Children use information and communication technologies to access information,

Verbal/ Linguistic


See words

Hear/ listen



Discuss debate

Movie star

Using an iPad, tablet or smartphone ask someone to record you whilst you explain the best device or software Devices being (iPad / Bee-bot) Or software programs being (Kodable / Scratch). you may like to use: Power Point

Movie Maker (PC users) 

Animoto  movie from images & video

Curriculum content descriptions

Recognise and explore digital systems (hardware and software components) for a purpose (ACTDIK001)


tell us how it works by using one of these voice recordings:

Voice Thread 


Choose either  a device (iPad, Bee-bot) or software programs (Kodable or Scratch)


Curriculum content

Recognise and explore digital systems hardware and software components) for a purpose (ACTDIK001)

Word ART

Choose from Bee-Bot, Kodable With Mum and Dads help put together a list of words and upload them on to one of these programs

Wordle  or Tagxedo - create word clouds

Audacity - audio editor


Curriculum content desc-  (ACTDIP006)

In your opinion, what is the best game for coding? Use photos or video as evidence

Photo Peach 

Curriculum content 

Recognise and explore digital systems (hardware and software components) for a purpose (ACTDIK001)

Getting Out Take your iPad/ tablet outside, oval or where there is open space. We have some lovely spaces in ACT. Open Kodable. Walk the steps prior to placing it in to the game panel. Is this  helpful? Curriculum content Follow, describe and represent a sequence of steps and decisions (algorithms) needed to solveproblems (ACTDIP004)

I like to move it, move it,

Describe your dance moves/dance style to Bee-Bot or Kodable

Or using Scratch Junior

create a dance and add music or use your iPad to take photos or record your steps and actions.

Garage band

Curriculum content Collect, explore and sort data, and use digital systems to present the data creatively



Identify Patterns Using Scratch or Kodable think about what happens if we did not use the loop? Why we use it. Eg: With loop

Curriculum content

Recognise & explore patterns in data (ACTDIK002)

3-D Bee-Bot / Kodable

Using the A4 table draw a map showing the path way. Then on a separate page draw and cut out the character to move along the map. You can use a dice or the code symbol

Curriculum content descript

Recognise & explore patterns in data and represent data as image, ACTDIK002)


Explain, what would happen if we did not have coding? would we even have digital technology? You can present your  information any way you like,Draw, voice recording(Voice Thread /Vocaroo) video or scribe. Curriculum content descriptions sharing ideas about the ways information systems are being used by families and friends in everyday life/ recreation (ACTDIP005)

Create a play

Using scratch jnr. make a story to tell the class

Curriculum content descrp- Follow, describe and represent a sequence of steps and decisions (algorithms) needed to solve simple problem (ACTDIP004)


 After exploring both devices and software, tell everyone which is the most valuable and why?

Curriculum content descript

Collect, explore and sort data, and use digital systems to present the data  creatively


Draw a story about the Bee-Bot to accompany this piece of music:




Curriculum content Collect, explore and sort data, and use digital systems to present the data creatively (ACTDIP003)


Computer scientist

Can you create a new code/ game? We use Kodable / Bee-Bots/ scratch junior. Can you use this or make something new

Maybe use Pivot – to show the steps or draw it  (ACTDIK002)


Choose one of the devices (iPad, Bee-bot) or software programs (Kodable or Scratch) and analyse it. Think about what works well or not. You can use this form to draw it on or use a blank piece of paper.

Curriculum content

Collect, explore and sort data, and use digital systems to present the data creatively (ACTDIP003)


Role Play The human robot. Afamily member will be instructed with what to do. You can use the picture cards for Bee-Bot or your words. One person is the robot and the other a programmer. Think of a place you would like to see your robot go & instruct them to do so, Eg: move forward five steps turn left…


Use your own ideas to create and design your own game that incorporates coding

You can

Draw it

Or use:


PowToon - create animated video and presentations


Curriculum content desc-Create and organise ideas and information using information systems with others, and share these with known people in safe online environments (ACTDIP006)

What makes a good coding game?

Tell us and show us, maybe video record?

Curriculum content description




Use this app Lego Digital Designer -

to design a bee-bot, scratch, Kodable or iPad game

Curriculum content desc-Create and organise ideas and information using information systems with others, and share these with known people in safe online environments (ACTDIP006)

Make a poem/ song/ rhyme


 A world without coding or digital technologies

Video tape on iPad or smartphone, or make a Movie Maker (PC users) /iMovie (Apple users)  or voice record

Voice Thread 




Diary notes:

Make a story

In the day of ……. (choose from; iPad/ Scratch, Kodable/ Bee-Bot)

Book creator

Curriculum content Follow, describe and represent a sequence of steps and decisions (algorithms) needed to solve simple problems (ACTDIP004)

Create a maze

for your Bee-Bot. You can use masking tape, straws or the Bee-Bot ruler




Curriculum content Follow, describe and represent a sequence of steps and decisions (algorithms) (ACTDIP004)




Create and write a code using these symbols:






Clear       x

Pause      =

Tip: how to draw arrow. Draw a line ---then draw a triangle at end of line.

Curriculum content Follow, describe and represent a sequence of steps and decisions (algorithms) (ACTDIP004)


Interacting with others



Group activities

Resolve conflict


Making/ touching

Hands on

Acting out



Use equipment and real objects






Remember melodies

Pick up sounds





Understand self.

In tune with their feelings



Set goals

Logical/ Mathematical







Problem solving




Physical space

Read maps



Jig saw puzzles

Play Bee-Bot

together by using the snakes and ladder mat. Roll the dice and move Bee- Bot to those steps

Curriculum content descriptions

Recognise and explore digital systems (hardware and software components) for a purpose (ACTDIK001)

Recycle and create

Using recycled materials make/ build your own



Kodable character

Scratch Character

Curriculum content :Collect, explore and sort data, and use digital systems to present the data creatively (ACTDIP003)

Write a song

Using a well-known song like; Change the Lyrics to make it about your favourite Device or software program.

Eg: Mary had a little lamb:

“Scratch had a little puppy, little puppy and everywhere that catch went that puppy was sure to go.”

Curriculum content descriptions

Recognise and explore digital systems (hardware and software components) for a purpose (ACTDIK001)

Vocabulary/ letter extensions

Using one of the devices or software, brainstorm words. Enter these on to Popplet to create this list. Either use words or insert pictures.

Tip for parent: write the words and let your child locate the letters on keyboard to type them in. Curriculum content descriptions

Recognise and explore digital systems (hardware and software components) for a purpose (ACTDIK001)

Counting and number recognition

After playing a game of Kodable, count how many spaces the Fuzz ball had to take to complete that game.  You can do this with a Bee-Bot if you prefer

 Draw the number and the amount of fuzz to equal that number. For example: 10   

 Curriculum content

Recognise & explore patterns in data (ACTDIK002)

Poster making

From the following program:





Choose one and take some photos on your iPad or smart phone. Upload these to Pic collage to create a poster Curriculum content description

Recognise and explore digital systems (hardware and software components) for a purpose (ACTDIK001)

Bee-Bot sale

It is your job to sell the Bee- Bot. Make a video or poster

Voki , Tellagami

Curriculum content descriptions




Be the Teacher

 show your family how the Bee-Bot works.  Show them how it goes: Explain the button. Ask them to fill in this form

Curriculum content Collect, explore and sort data, and use digital systems to present the data creatively (ACTDIP003)


Make music

 Use an instrument to create steps required to move. use different sounds to create a turn, backward, forward, clear. Use these whilst playing Bee-Bot. Curriculum content

Recognise & explore patterns in data and represent data as image, symbols & diagrams  (ACTDIK002)

Author / illustrator

Write a book to instruct others on the use of a device or software:

iBooks Author - Animoto –

Curriculum content desc-Create and organise ideas and information using information systems with others, and share these with known people



Bee-Bot is hungry. Using it / ruler. Find out  how many steps it will need to take from your bedroom to the Kitchen.  How many steps does it take you? and how many steps does it take an adult?

Curriculum content Collect, explore and sort data, and use digital systems to present data creatively (ACTDIP003)


Draw a story about the devices (iPad, Bee-bot) or software programs (Kodable or Scratch) you used.

When finished, ask a parent to scribe; what you like the most about this chosen program and why?





Parent and Child Activity Time!

You can choose one of the following activities from the table below.

REMEMBER ! It must be associated with Scratch Junior

THE Student of the day is picked 4 times a year and must choose 1 activity including an iPad, Bee-Bot, Kodable and Scratch junior. howvere you can do all of these and visit the website as often as you like

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